Because I am a Bronze Sculptor I’m often asked: how are Bronze Sculptures made? This page answers that question – at least for Bronze Sculptures made using the Lost Wax process, which is how all of my work is created. The Lost Wax process for casting anything in bronze both originates and defines a major epoch of human civilization – The Bronze Age.

The video below demonstrates the entire Lost Wax method of casting bronze once the maquette is finished. A maquette is a miniature version of the sculpture that can be used to scale a final bronze sculpture to twice the original maquette’s size, or 10 times the size of the maquette to create a larger than life-size monument. This video walks the viewer through my journey of molding and casting the monument I created for Juan Seguin that is placed in Seguin, Texas. You can read about my monument of Juan Seguin by clicking on this link: Juan Seguin Commissioned Monument by Erik Christianson.

I hope you enjoy the video and that it helps you understand how much work it takes to create a larger than life-sized monument in bronze.